325-203-1565          chiparocllc@gmail.com 

Copyright © Chiparoc. All rights reserved.

Chiparoc LLC 

325-203-1565          chiparocllc@gmail.com

(2) 14"

Normal Air Capacity (CFM)

7600 CFM @ 8"

Min. Design Efficiency 

(2) 18"

Reverse Pulse Jet

20 H.P Direct Drive

CPC- Mobile Series


Reverse Pulse Jet

1286 Sq. Ft.

Number of Cartridges

Total Filtration Area Sq./Ft. 

Dust inlets with angle iron mounts

990 Sq. Ft.

​​ Dust collectors ready mix concrete dust collection system Replacement concrete batch plant parts
Baghouse,Baghouse for Concrete Plant,Baghouse Dust CollectorCentral BaghouseConcrete Batch Plant Baghouse, Concrete Batch Plant Collector,Dust Collector Industrial Baghouse IndustrialDust Filter,Industrial Dust Collector,Pulse Jet Baghouse,Pulse Jet Dust Collector,Pulse Just Central Dust Collector,Pulse Jet Dust Collector for Concrete Plant

5600 CFM @ 8"

Cleaning Mechanism

CPC - 2040M

(20) 8" X 40" 

(20) 8" X 54" 

Fan Horsepower


CPC - 2054M

15 H.P Direct Drive
